Customise login page

We give here details for a basic configuration that should be suitable for most organisations.

 idp.title = Example College Login
 idp.url.helpdesk =
 idp.url.password.reset =
 idp.logo = /images/examplelogo.jpg
 idp.logo.alt-text = Example College Logo
 idp.footer = © Example College
 idp.css = /css/examplecss.css
  • If you have installed the Shibboleth IdP software on Windows using the Windows .msi installer then you can place an image file with an appropriate logo for your organisation in the %{idp-home}/static folder and configure the filename as the value of idp.logo as in the example below, and you don't need to rebuild the war file. You can also configure it as above using %{idp-home}/edit-webapp/images and rebuild the war file etc.
 idp.logo = ../../examplelogo.jpg
  • Again, if you have installed the Shibboleth IdP software on Windows using the Windows .msi installer then you can place your stylesheet file in the %{idp-home}/static folder and configure the filename as the value of idp.css as in the example below, and you don't need to rebuild the war file. You can also configure it as above using %{idp-home}/edit-webapp/images and rebuild the war file etc.
 idp.css = ../../examplecss.css

Depending on your container and possible Apache proxy or load balancer, the images and css directories may be publicly visible at the https://hostname/idp/images/ and https://hostname/idp/css/. Hide them by placing an empty index.html file in %{idp-home}/edit-webapp/images and %{idp-home}/edit-webapp/css and rebuild the war file according to the instructions on the Shibboleth IdP documentation pages

Your organisation may require a more sophisticated configuration. Please see the Shibboleth IdP user interface configuration documentation for more details of the possibilities available. Files that may need to be modified are messages/, views/login.vm, and views/login-error.vm.