MIMAS Hairdressing Training

Page last modified on 01 April 2010, at 12:24 PM (initially posted on 10 February 2006)

Hairdressing-Training is an online training system for the hairdressing industry.

MIMASHairdressing TrainingeduPersonScopedAffiliation

WAYFless URL: http://hairdressing.ac.uk/cgi-bin/wayf?idp=<EntityID>
See http://support.mimas.ac.uk/access/#federated-access-details for technical details.

This service is available for subscription to UK HE, FE & research councils through JISC Collections.


1. The only attribute that an identity provider must release for its users to be able to access many services that are licensed for use by everyone at a particular organisation is eduPersonScopedAffiliation. This is a scoped attribute, which might, for example, have the value "member" in scope "uni.ac.uk", often written as:


It is used for the basic authorisation decision: does uni.ac.uk subscribe to the service in question? If so, the user is allowed access. The service provider will maintain its own list of which organisations (scopes) can access its service. For allowed organisations, the federation's Technical Recommendations for Participants indicate that, in HE/FE, users with scoped affiliation values from the set {member, student, staff, faculty, employee} are typically authorised to access content licensed on the basis of the JISC Model Licence, while {affiliate, alum} are not.

While a Shibboleth identity provider can generate eduPersonScopedAffiliation statically by setting the required value in attribute-resolver.xml, this should only be done when it is known that all users are authorised. Otherwise, the value can be picked up from your LDAP / Active Directory as described on the IdP setup page.

Users of other IdP software should check their documentation.